mssql server service status screenshot

Microsoft SQL Server on Arch Linux

Part of my day job involves managing a system that runs on a MSSQL database. Because of that, I like to spend some time improving my knowledge of MSSQL and having a local installation is a great tool to play with. I recently installed Arch Linux on a Dell OptiPlex 3040 that I had lying around and decided to use it as a dev machine. This article covers how I installed Microsoft SQL Server on Arch Linux. I do this using AUR repositories.

Creating and Installing the Packages

First up, I create a location for my AUR repositories. Then I clone the GIT repositories that I need to get things up and running:

mkdir ~/aur
cd ~/aur
git clone
git clone
git clone

mssql-server – this is for the main MS SQL Server installation
msodbcsql – this is for connecting to MS SQL Server
mssql-tools – these are the command line tools for interacting with MS SQL Server

Once the GIT repos have been cloned, it’s time to build the packages for installation using makepgk.

cd ~/aur/mssql-server
makepkg -sirc
cd ~/aur/msodbcsql
makepkg -sirc
cd ~/aur/mssql-tools
mkpkg -sirc

When running makepkg I use the following options:

-s – installs any missing dependencies using the package manager
-i – installs the package after it has been built
-r – removes any dependencies required by the build process that aren’t required afterwards
-c – cleans up any leftover work files or directories created during the build process

Now all three of the packages should be installed. The mssql-server service should also now be running and enabled to start automatically. You can check by running:

systemctl status mssql-server.service

The output should hopefully look something like this:

mssql server service status screenshot

If it’s showing as “inactive (dead)” you can easily start the service and enable it to run automatically:

systemctl enable --now mssql-server.service

You can then confirm that it’s running by using the command shown previously.

Initial Setup of SQL Server

At this point it’s time to run the setup utility for SQL Server. You can view the options for this tool by running:

/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf --help

There are a few useful options in here, like resetting the sa (database admin) password. However in this instance I just want to run the initial setup utility:

/opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf setup

This tool will walk you through setting the admin password, choosing which edition of SQL Server to run, setting the language and accepting the licencing terms.

After running that setup utility you’re done! You should now have a working installation of Microsoft SQL Server running on Arch Linux. Easy-peasy!

Installing Azure Data Studio

Unfortunately Microsoft haven’t released a Linux version of SQL Server Management Studio. However, there is an alternative, albeit one that isn’t as feature packed as SSMS. That alternative is Azure Data Studio.

Azure Data Studio a MSSQL management tool that is built on top of the Microsoft Visual Studio Code editor. It’s perfectly fine for interacting with SQL Server but it does lack all the “wizards” that you can access from the menus in SSMS.

If you want to install Azure Data Studio there is an AUR repo for that too!

cd ~/aur
git clone
cd ~/aur/azuredatastudio-bin
makepkg -sirc

Once installed you should be able to launch Azure Data Studio, connect to your local SQL instance and start playing!

azure data studio screenshot

12 thoughts on “Microsoft SQL Server on Arch Linux

  1. I can’t login in Azure tool to SQL Server. I type localhost in server field but I don’t know my username. How can i fin out what is my username?

    • In the “Initial Setup of SQL Server” step above you should have set a admin password. The default admin username in SQL Server is “sa”. You can re-run the mssql-config tool if needed. It also has options for resetting the password.

  2. I’m getting the following error:

    mssql-server.service – Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mssql-server.service; enabled; preset: disabled)
    Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2023-05-31 19:03:31 EDT; 5s ago
    Duration: 1ms
    Process: 119468 ExecStart=/opt/mssql/bin/sqlservr (code=exited, status=217/USER)
    Main PID: 119468 (code=exited, status=217/USER)
    CPU: 616us

    • It’s not something I’ve come across before but “status=217/USER” indicates that the account being used to run the service does not exist. I had a quick search online and came across a post where someone else had this problem and resolved it by re-running the mssql-config tool with sudo.

  3. Thanks so much for this! So for my installation a few things I wanted to leave here as a note. The AUR package requires libldap>=2.4 something. I could get the package to build if you remove that requirement from the package build, however my instance would not run. Libldap is higher than 2.4 (2.6 as of the time of this writing), so installing libldap24 from AUR did the trick. My instance is now running. Also be advised that as of this writing AUR is behind one MSSQL version.

    • Glad you found this helpful and thanks for those additional notes. It’s difficult for me to keep this post up to date as I no longer have an Arch Linux system to play with.
      Hopefully those dependency issues can be resolved by the package maintainers but good job finding a solution!

  4. This also aided me, thanks for posting.

    I had to install libldap24 from the AUR as well to install mssql-server.
    mssql-server.service would fail to load until I ran the config command for mssql-server which on my system was located at /opt/mssql/bin/mssql-conf.

    In case anyone else runs into issues.

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